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                                                         —— 新鄉市皓天皮革制品有限公司



             在古羅馬時期,一些貴族和武士常常隨身帶著經過訓練的雄鷹去打獵,用來捕捉飛禽和走獸。這些雄鷹??吭谖涫亢唾F族的手腕上。由于雄鷹的腳爪非常尖利,經常會抓傷人們的皮膚,于是,人們就想了個辦法,在手腕上帶上一副長臂手套,用來保護皮膚。In ancient Rome, some aristocrats and samurai often carried trained eagles to hunt for birds and animals. The eagles docked on their wrists. Because of the eagle's sharp claws, their skin is often scratch, so people figured out a way to put a pair of long-arm gloves on their wrists to protect their skin.



                 據公元前六世紀的《荷馬史詩》中記載,希臘人是用手抓飯的,所以在進食時,會戴上特制的手套,不僅不讓手弄臟,還是為了更容易火上抓取烤肉之類的食物,而手不會被燙傷。According to the Homer Epic of the sixth century BC, the Greeks ate with their hands, so they wore special gloves when they ate, not only to keep their hands clean, but also to grab barbecue and other foods more easily from the fire. Hands are not scalded.


             歐洲的騎士階層作為貴族階層的入門成員,熱衷比武決斗。勝者會收獲巨大的榮譽和名聲。為了防止一次比賽就讓自己致殘,騎士們對全身各個部位的防護都很上心,從而助推了保護雙手的鐵手套誕生。European knights, as entry-level members of the aristocracy, are keen to fight duels. The winner will reap great honor and fame. In order to prevent a race to disable themselves, knights are very protective of all parts of the body,thus promoting the birth of the protective hands of the iron gloves.



           When European religions took over the glove,they changed its function. The clergy wore white gloves to show authority, holiness and piety.Until now,some sects had to wear white gloves for their rituals. Before the 19th century, the sacred role of white gloves extended to the king's decree, judges to wear. European knights wearing white gloves to perform sacred duties; take off gloves in hand, show chic leisure; throw gloves in front of the opponent, show invitation to a duel: The challenged knight picked up the gloves to show his acceptance.





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